Ref 2279 Yellow Male Labrador X 

- Re-Homed

Looking for a new home within any area we cover


Colour :
Age :
4 years 6 months
Good with children? :
yes - over Age 8 
Sex :
Good with cats? :
Reference :
Fiona - 01865 880868 Please do not call after 8pm

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    At 4.5 years old, I’ve been on quite the journey, but now I’ve found my way to my current foster family.  They are great Mum, Dad & their two teenage girls and Barney (resident dog) my new best friend.  Barney has been showing me the ropes, especially where the best places are to take a nap.

    Over the last few weeks, I’ve met a load of Barney’s friends of all shapes and sizes. Despite my goofy and loving nature, I am still learning how to socialise and understand my size when I meet other dogs. Being a bit of a scaredy dog, I sometimes bark when I feel nervous, but all I need is a little reassurance that everything is okay. With patience and love from my foster family, I am slowly gaining confidence and learning to navigate the world around me.  They say my recall is really great and I listen to both their whistle and my name.

    My days are filled with love, cuddles, and exciting adventures. I may not be the fastest pup on the block, but I can definitely hold my own on a good long walk. I have a goofy side that always keeps my humans entertained, and I’m as soppy as they come – a true professional in the art of cuddling.

    One of my favourite pastimes is playing football in the garden. I may be a bit clumsy, but that just adds to my charm! I find joy in the simple things in life, like feeling the grass beneath my paws and chasing after that elusive ball.

    I thrive on company and love being surrounded by my humans, but I’m also content to relax on my own and enjoy some quiet time. My laid-back personality makes me a great companion for anyone looking for a furry friend to share both adventures and cozy nights in.

    My family would say that the only negative about me is my snoring. But hey, what can I say? I dream big and sleep deeply.

    In a world that sometimes feels chaotic, I am the calm amidst the storm, spreading love and joy wherever I go. With each wag of my tail and each clumsy tumble, I bring a little bit of sunshine into the lives of those around me. And as I continue to explore this new chapter with my foster family, I know that my forever family are just around the corner. Life is good, I can’t wait for it to be great!